Why Quit??

Hey Guys!

So I know I literally just posted something but I wanted to talk to you guys about something that has been on my mind lately.

So a lot of people I know, watch, or read about have been quitting what they were doing just because people have been telling them to stop or they don’t have as much views or make as much money as others.

I didn’t start this blog to become famous and I know not a lot of the human population are going to actually read this and all my other blogs, but I don’t really care. I just started blogging to have someone to talk to. I didn’t have many friends and I needed to share my feelings on certain topics. Yes, I said needed not wanted. Thoughts were just rising up inside my brain and I couldn’t take it any more.

Now that I’m actually blogging its like my world has gotten 100 times better. I don’t feel cramped up in a tiny space. So… Why would I quit? Why would anyone quit doing something they love?

So yes, I don’t have many followers and there aren’t millions of people reading, but the people that are are making it sooooo much better. I thank you every single day. So to those reading, don’t quit doing what you’re doing and everyday there will be at least one person here to hear what you have to say (just comment down below 🙂 ).

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo


One comment

  1. Miss 16:) · February 10, 2016

    Hi! I totally get what you mean! I blog to let out my bag of thoughts 🙂 I just feel like no one in school makes me feel safe enough to let out my thoughts.

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