Socially Awkward

Hey Guys

So I’m probably the most embarrassing and awkward person I and anyone else will ever meet.

I just tend to do stupid shit (please don’t mind my cursing sorry 🙂 ) whenever other people are around. Then, like five seconds later I ask myself “WHY AM I SO STUPID.” You know… sometimes having the power to go back in time would be really useful.

Like, just imagine being able to go back in time and stop all these stupid and awkward things from happening. My life would be so much easier.

But why? Why do I have to be so socially awkward. I can’t have one day where I don’t do something dumb and have people look at me awkwardly.


There’s no way to stop my awkwardness it just happens. And then I’m like “fuck.” (Sorry again. And sorry I keep saying sorry it’s sort of like a habit. I never really curse out loud or in my blogs. I just sort of curse in my mind and everyone looks at me all wierdly because I mouth curse words).

When I stubbed my toe one time, I whispered  “fuck” and everyone was like “what did you say?” And I just awkwardly kept walking and was like “nothing.”

My life must be like a total embarrassment. If I had my own reality T.V. show, everyone watching would be like shouting “no” and putting their head in their hands disapprovingly.

I’m pretty sure sometimes you guys judge me just by reading one of my blogs.

But what can I say…  I’m only human


Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo



Things I wish I could tell my mom

Hey guys

so my mom and I don’t have the closest bond in the world. In fact we don’t talk as much as we probably should. She just always say I want attention and I hate it even if sometimes I do. So today I’m going to list a bunch of things that I desperately wish I could tell/ask my mom

  1. Why don’t you want to talk to me?
  2. Why do you judge me if this is the body you gave me?
  3. I’m sorry I’m not as perfect as my siblings
  4. Not everything I do is because my friends do it.
  5. coincidences happen
  6. Phases are a thing. Not every trend I go through is permanent
  7. I’m sorry I’m not the girl you want me to be
  8. I’m sorry I don’t know what I want to be
  9. Judging hurts
  10. I need time alone with you
  11. I’m sorry I can be picky. I just like certain things
  12. People can change
  13. Why don’t you like my friends (theyre actually really nice). Saying that they look stuck up really makes me upset.
  14. I had my period three years ago and I have no clue how to tell you
  15. please stop worrying about me sometimes
  16. I miss when I was little and you were always there for me
  17. I have anxiety and I’m sorry.
  18. I’m sorry you and dad consider me as ugly. I can’t change myself
  19. I’m sorry for being something you don’t like
  20. But I am soooooo not sorry for being me and acting the way I do, because it’s way better than being you or anyone else

So there you go mom. And guys comment down below what you wish you could or could’ve told your mom/dad/parents.

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo

Middle Children

Hey Guys

so I’m the middle child of 5 and there are definetly pros and cons of it.

I mean you get no attention from parents, but on the other hand you learn how to leave a place without being caught.

When you fight with your older or younger sibling, you get all the blame, because with your younger sibling “you should know better” and with your older sibling “they know more and are more mature”. One time I got in trouble for a fight I wasn’t even in.

OK…well…there’s no pro to that one, except that you kind of learn how to stand up for yourself, but as the middle child, you can be a part of the older ones one day and a younger one the next. I’ve done this a lot. For example, if your parent are giving something to the younger ones and something to the older ones, you can chose whichever one you want.

…except in some cases, a lot of cases, you get nothing because apparently they “don’t know you as well as the others.” (????? Like WTF)

And when your siblings are always like “the middle child has it great” and “they get all of the attention” whenever they see something on middle children or whenever you get something cool…and how you’re stuck with the “hand-me-downs.”

…And how you usually have a lower self esteem because of what your family is always saying. It’s been scientifically proven that middle children hang on to people more and feel more hurt when someone leaves. So with being a middle child and the fact that my friends keep leaving (except for the ones I have now 🙂 ) and the fact that I’m a teenage girl living in the 21st century… maybe I just want some time with my mom ALONE so than I can higher my self-esteem from the lowest ever to maybe…normal? Is that too much to ask?

Mom, I know you’ll never ever ever ever read this, but all I want is for you to actually listen me. I know you say you do, but can you even remember one real conversation we had  this month that isn’t like three words long? Probably not… :-/

so yeah it’s totally not that bad being the middle child :-). See I’m so happy right now…


Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo




My Inspirations

Hey Guys

So in the past couple years I have realized that I’m not that much inspired by my family, so I have a long list of other that inspire me.

And it just keeps growing and growing. As I grow up different people are added and some slowly fade away.

So today I’m going to tell you a couple of people who have inspired me throughout the years 😛

  1. Albert Einstein~ When I was little he inspired me a lot because I really wanted to become some sort of scientist. (And his hair is pretty awesome)
  2. Marie Curie~ Basically the same reason as Einstein…except for the hair
  3. Chrissy Costanza~ She still inspires me. She’s following her dream of music (and she’s short. Short people are awesome)
  4. Hayley Williams
  5. Nikola Tesla
  6. Zoe Sugg
  7. Tyler Oakley
  8. Avril Lavigne
  9. Connie Talbot
  10. Hollie Steel

And the list goes on and on. Those are just my top ten and I realized like half of them are female singers. Hmmmmm…

I would love to grow up and go on stage and perform, but like I would never be allowed to do that by my parents and until I turn 18 (which isn’t in too long but it also is kinda far away… Would three years be a lot? I dunno) and as long as I’m living under their household they kinda like own me. I have no idea what I want to be, but all I know is I don’t want to be normal. I don’t want to work in an office space and have to go there every single day. I wanna be know for something by someone. What job would that be where my parents don’t hate me for life?

Anyways… Like and comment down below who inspires you

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo

My “Love Life”

Hey Guys!

So I’ve been looking at a lot of blogs lately and they have been posting a lot of things about Valentine Day

What they do for Valentines Day, What they hope to get, who’s their Valentine.

And some people, for example what I am about to do, are posting stories about their love life and that great lovey-dovey stuff.

So for Valentines Day, even though right now it is still only the 12th of February, I am going to post about my fabulous love life…

Here it goes…

The most amazing and longest story you have ever heard…

My love life…

does not exist



but there is still hope…

I am still only a teenager

But its still kinda disappointing that I have never had a boyfriend…

like ever :-/

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo


Who am I?

Hey guys,

so I realized I never really told you guys about myself. I mean, I told you guys a little on my first post, but I never really talked about my favorite things and stuff like that.

So for this post I decided that I am going to list a bunch of facts about myself even though you guys probably don’t even care. If you’d like, you can comment down below what we have in common. 🙂

  1. I don’t have a middle name.
  2. My zodiac sign is a Virgo
  3. I don’t have a favorite color or all colors are my favorite
  4. I love all animals so it would be impossible to pick a favorite
  5. I have two cats and a bird (which you probably already knew)
  6. I have four other annoying siblings but its okay
  7. My favorite subject in school is math or science (Random Stranger: NERD ALERT!)
  8. I like video games and I can’t pick a favorite (but if I had to probably Life is Strange or The Walking Dead 😛 ) (Random Stranger Again: GEEK!!)
  9. My favorite emoji is the one with the sunglasses (😎)
  10. I have no tattoos and the only things I have pierced are my ears
  11. I don’t have a favorite song/musician/band. I listen to anything depending on what mood I’m in
  12. If I had to pick some of my favorite bands they would probably be Paramore, Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Blink-182, The Summer Set, and Ed Sheeran.
  13. I play the saxophone (Again?!: oh so you’re a band geek to :-P)
  14. I am 5ft 1in
  15. I’m scared of falling (not heights)
  16. Bugs don’t scare me (I saved a bee, actually multiple bees, from dying in the pool. Also saved a bird *pats back* )
  17. My favorite show is Brain Games… or The Big Bang Theory… or Doctor Who… or Supernatural. (This list could go on forever)
  18. I am single, have always been single, and kinda wish I wasn’t single.
  19. My favorite rock/mineral is sapphire, because its my birthstone and super pretty.
  20. If it were my birthday, I’d probably ask for a new camera.

So there is twenty facts about me. This is actually really hard. Just coming up with facts about myself. :-/

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the Internet. BYE xoxo



Why Quit??

Hey Guys!

So I know I literally just posted something but I wanted to talk to you guys about something that has been on my mind lately.

So a lot of people I know, watch, or read about have been quitting what they were doing just because people have been telling them to stop or they don’t have as much views or make as much money as others.

I didn’t start this blog to become famous and I know not a lot of the human population are going to actually read this and all my other blogs, but I don’t really care. I just started blogging to have someone to talk to. I didn’t have many friends and I needed to share my feelings on certain topics. Yes, I said needed not wanted. Thoughts were just rising up inside my brain and I couldn’t take it any more.

Now that I’m actually blogging its like my world has gotten 100 times better. I don’t feel cramped up in a tiny space. So… Why would I quit? Why would anyone quit doing something they love?

So yes, I don’t have many followers and there aren’t millions of people reading, but the people that are are making it sooooo much better. I thank you every single day. So to those reading, don’t quit doing what you’re doing and everyday there will be at least one person here to hear what you have to say (just comment down below 🙂 ).

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo


I’m Back!!!

Hey Guys!

so I haven’t posted in ages. It feels like forrrrrreeeeeevvvvveeeerrrr.

I don’t even know how long it’s been. Seriously, the last time I posted something was some time, I think, back in September!!!

I have no idea how I lasted that long. Actually… I kinda do.

A lot has been going on lately. I just moved, I broke my glasses (and got new ones), I figured out what I’m going to do over the summer (which I’ll blog about later, most probably), and I learned a lot about myself.

So while I was gone and had some extra time, I kind of just… thought. I know that sounds boring, but that’s what I did. I thought about different things going on, what its going to be like to move, and oddly enough different blog ideas (is that weird? Probably).

It’s weird to think in a couple of months, I’ve made some best friends that have changed me a lot, in a good way. I am a very quiet yet extroverted person who you wouldn’t think would be able to make like what 8 new best friends in a couple of months. And let’s just say it’s been great!

I know I’m just rambling on about how great my life been and it feels really weird, but this is the most I’ve smiled and laughed in a really long time, even with having a family of 7.

Its really great to be back blogging with you guys so let me just say or type 🙂 what  I haven’t in a really long time…

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo


Don’t get your hopes up

Hey Guys!

So my birthday was 2 days ago

September 21

and it wasn’t as great as I expected it to be

If you read my last post I talked about my family and I going to California

but instead we left on the 19th and rode all the way home on my birthday.

My dad worked the whole morning so I didn’t get to see him then

and we left the afternoon.

We didn’t even have dinner that night.

The trip wasn’t even for me it was for my dad’s work

I guess I had fun on the trip anyway

The point of this blog wasn’t to be all sad but tell everyone reading this…

Don’t get your hopes too high up, Don’t expect too much in your life

It might all come crashing down

Yes my story is only a small example,

but I realized I’ve been doing that a lot.

I set my hopes high up and then something goes wrong

Though, even if something goes wrong don’t tear yourself apart.

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo

Phases are TEMPORARY

Hey Guys!

So you know that phase you go through in like 3rd and 4th grade where you love peace sign

Yah I went through that phase…


I haven’t worn or gotten ANYTHING with peace signs on it since

And let me tell you, that was soooooo long ago

My grandma got me something while my dad was all the way across the world with her

And my dad got home today

He told me my grandma especially saved something for me

Right then I said, ” IF IT’S A PEACE SIGN…” ( knowing they think I’m going through that phase )

And my dad said it wasn’t so I was happy and quietly waiting

He brings out a heart shaped necklace and guess what it was…


He said it wasn’t a peace sign and guess what he brings out A PEACE SIGN

If you’ve read my other blogs you might know I’m not a very girly person

but apparently my parents don’t know that so…

They bring home a necklace, butterfly earnings, a butterfly necklace, and whole bunch of pink!

Yah it’s the thought that counts but really they should probably know by now

I even told them I’m out of my “peace sign phase”

But they were just like “NO”, “SINCE WHEN?”, and all that :-/

I seriously wanted to yell, “PHASES DON’T LAST FOREVER”

Now they think I’m going through some black and white phase while I’m sitting here in colorful patterned leggings

I don’t understand anymore :-/

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo