Things I wish I could tell my mom

Hey guys

so my mom and I don’t have the closest bond in the world. In fact we don’t talk as much as we probably should. She just always say I want attention and I hate it even if sometimes I do. So today I’m going to list a bunch of things that I desperately wish I could tell/ask my mom

  1. Why don’t you want to talk to me?
  2. Why do you judge me if this is the body you gave me?
  3. I’m sorry I’m not as perfect as my siblings
  4. Not everything I do is because my friends do it.
  5. coincidences happen
  6. Phases are a thing. Not every trend I go through is permanent
  7. I’m sorry I’m not the girl you want me to be
  8. I’m sorry I don’t know what I want to be
  9. Judging hurts
  10. I need time alone with you
  11. I’m sorry I can be picky. I just like certain things
  12. People can change
  13. Why don’t you like my friends (theyre actually really nice). Saying that they look stuck up really makes me upset.
  14. I had my period three years ago and I have no clue how to tell you
  15. please stop worrying about me sometimes
  16. I miss when I was little and you were always there for me
  17. I have anxiety and I’m sorry.
  18. I’m sorry you and dad consider me as ugly. I can’t change myself
  19. I’m sorry for being something you don’t like
  20. But I am soooooo not sorry for being me and acting the way I do, because it’s way better than being you or anyone else

So there you go mom. And guys comment down below what you wish you could or could’ve told your mom/dad/parents.

Bad Hair Phase will currently stop bugging the internet. BYE xoxo

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